Top 10 Christmas Saving Tips (tried and True)

10. Use gift sets in multiple ways, take the body spray and put it with something else for someone else, its the best way to maximize a gift set when the participants only want one thing is to give the rest away.
9. Bake something, or make something. You can always buy in bulk with coupons and deals and make many gifts for a price that works. I have 34 things of yarn that im using to make bows and tree stuff as well as bracelets
8. Think of who you really need to buy for its hard enough to spend all that cash and then the person not want the gift or you don't have to buy for them.
7. Make a Budget and Stick to it. Dont forget that if you see something that will benefit someone else, decide who else will get less.
6. Buy them something that can be used for more than just one purpose. Like a amazon gift card or a visa Pre paid card, they can buy something they really want.
5. Stockpile after the holidays on clearance gifts, this way next year you can give them for a great price.
4. I dont usually condone these things but shop Black Friday, I know, I know its a lot of drama but if you live like I do right next to a Rite aid or Walmart its the best walk you will take (OK so I walk lol but you get the drift) but it does have its advantages. 
3. Before you shop online google a promo code or look on websites for codes and deals, or check back here constantly I will share my finds.
2. Create a Cd or make a slideshow for that person, or even a card with a note is a lovely idea.
1. For Kids anything hands on its a great idea. Make a craft box with kids toys and crafts and even a snack (parent approved of course) and this could work for more than one sibling!!!

And the most told secret to saving is use coupons!!!! I use them as much as I can, The Overages at walmart and the freebies can be added to gift baskets and the samples are great for stockings!!

Hope this helps leave comments below
Got married November 6 and Im super happy!! Coming your way is a Christmas Saving Blog