I am starting a new Vlog and giving each of you a in site into my couponing and how to coupon. YAY I will post details later.
Recently while I was running around Rite Aid this past week with my coupons and deals that made things free, I saw that we had nothing to eat. My deals for schick got me a 10$ UP reward that got us enough stuff til tonight. I believe that coupons are the way to go. The amounts of personal care items, boxes of hamburger helper, tons of free burritos from walmart i mean the list goes on.

Coupons and deals have saved my life. I am so happy I started
So lately I have been slowly getting things together for the site. Amd I have been slowly getting back into the couponing thing again. and as I go along and get better myself I will start to do matchups and coupon preivews or coupon databases.

So if there are any questions and comments lemme know and i will be happy to answer them.
Sorry its been a while since I posted here but its been a hectic month. So I will be adding some lessons here soon I have been working on it hard for you all. 

Happy Saving!!